Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Awesome end of year party

The Ironworks in Oswestry are hosting a (free entry) end of year party on Friday December 30th 9pm, headed by the AWESOME ZOMBIE ANTS. Bands,DJ's a right good time in prospect at this great venue. The Awesome Zombie Ants also have a really nice red vinyl 12" 5 track EP which just by coincidence we have instore. Electro-rock, it's hard to pigeon hole this great slab of vinyl. Neil Philips of the band also has a side project called SUPERMARKET (also appearing on the night) their CD release is a very clever piece indeed. Sure there will be some on sale at the Ironworks, but if you need a SUPERMARKET CD or AWESOME ZOMBIE ANTS album,APPENDECTOMY (on CD) just let me know.