Friday, 30 December 2011

Last shop standing film

It seems we are to get a mention in the Last Shop Standing film (to be filmed during January 2012 for release early Summer), Graham Jones the author of the book of the same name is overseeing the project, have included some info below.

Last Shop Standing

The fall and resurrection of the independent record store

The Project we would love you to be a part of…..

Last Shop Standing is collaboration between award winning feature film company Blue Hippo Media, and Proper Music Publishing Ltd.

Based on the successful book of the same name, Last Shop Standing will be a 60-minute documentary to be released early summer 2012. It will be a celebration of the unique spirit of comradeship and entrepreneurial ingenuity that has enabled so many shops to keep operating successfully against the backdrop of massive changes in the music industry, the biggest recession in years, the growth of online file sharing and the explosion of choice in music consumption.

Not long ago there was a record shop on every high street, but over 500 independent record stores have closed during the last few years. Record shops were always more than retail outlets, they are part of our culture; they support new bands and local talent. A place for musicians and music fans to congregate, to browse away a few hours, to walk away with music they didntt know existed.

Who will be featured…..

The film will feature appearances by musicians including Norman Cook and Richard Hawley along with industry insiders and record shop owners. The film will celebrate and promote our great independent record stores.

What will happen once the film is completed.......

We will enter Last Shop Standing in a range of national and international documentary film festivals and we are already exploring opportunities for broadcast on both mainstream and cable/satellite channels in both the USA and UK. In addition a DVD will be produced that will be promoted through our extensive network of trade outlets, mailing lists and associated web-sites